Museo Moderno
Los Mareados

Mondongo is a collective of artists who have been working together since 1999, currently made up of Juliana Laffitte (Buenos Aires, 1974) and Manuel Mendanha (Buenos Aires, 1976). His works put into tension the conceptual relationship between materiality and image. In their productions they debate topics such as power, work, economy, sexuality, and develop different readings through freedom in the use of materials, taking their work in detail one step beyond the conventional, in size , in complexity and potential. Through unconventional materials – such as colored mirrors, sweet cookies, bread, meat, threads and plasticine – manipulated using original techniques and selected based on their content, they create ironic, fantastic and critical scenes, always privileging the narrative sense. .

Among his latest projects are Tres (Barro, Buenos Aires, 2017), Home – So different so appealing (LACMA, Los Angeles, 2017), How to read el Pato Pascual: Disney’s Latin American and Latin American Disney’s (Mak Center, California , 2017), Mondongo (MAXXI, Museo Nazionalle Delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome, 2016; Franklin Rawson Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, San Juan; Emilio Caraffa Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Córdoba; National Museum of Fine Arts of Neuquén; 2014 ). In recent years, along with their production of works, they have developed performative activities, such as Automata (Track 16, Los Angeles, 2018); I am not young enough to know everything (ARCOmadrid, Madrid, 2107; Performance Biennial BP 15, Buenos Aires, 2015), among others. His works are part of important national and international public collections. Among them, Museum of Fine Arts (Houston, Texas); Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, (Buenos Aires); Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat Art Collection (Buenos Aires); and numerous international private collections (Zurich, London, Brussels, Dubai). They live and work in Buenos Aires.