Museo Moderno
Merluzzi Agostina
Desaires, 2022Embroidery on fabric. 60×70cm

María Agostina Merluzzi (1993, Salta). She studied a degree in Visual Arts Technique with a focus on Graphic Design at the Tomas Cabrera School of Fine Arts. We worked with a colleague for several years in a studio/workshop where we dedicated ourselves to visual exploration, we worked with different types of pieces, covering areas such as design, photography, illustration, visual arts and illustration, we developed artistic projects, we participated in events and exhibitions collective. Since I studied, I have done photography, painting, murals, construction of objects, graphic design, among other things. 6 years ago the possibility arose of working in audiovisual productions, doing art, assistance, costumes, makeup, props and production. Cinema helped me change the optics and perspective of seeing things. I am currently writing a script to make a short film. During the pandemic I returned to embroidery, it was something I did when I was a child. I started embroidering and found the tool that helps me weave the stories I have to tell. In September 2022 I held the first individual exhibition in Mamoré, where I worked with memories, their construction, reconstruction and creation. Memories come and go, some are gone and I had to re-create them. But it happens to me that some memories become values, teachings that last forever. This is the case of the winter holidays in Algarrobal, where for a few days we became, with my cousins, in grandfather’s shadow. Feed the animals, walk 5 kilometers to the Bermejo River, fish, cook, enjoy the simplicity of meals, the love for work, animals and nature. The stories told by grandfather, the generator that gave us light for two or three hours. The pine that whistled with the wind, the winter sun. The laughter, the pranks, the smell of firewood and the eternal silence. The warmth of the love of the one who lives latent in my heart. This was the trigger for a series that I began to produce for the exhibition, but I continue working, as I continue researching the subject and capturing it in works. I am continually producing new works, experimenting with different supports and techniques that have to do with embroidery.