Verónica Meloni (Córdoba, Argentina 1974). Artist. Her artistic practice oscillates between performance, public art, drawing, writing and sculptural events. Recently she present a solo show at Salón ACME, in the invited projects section curated by Ana Castella y Cuauhtémoc Medina, Mexico 2022, she was awarded by Fundación Klemm (2021), participated at the performance program of Arteba 2021 curated by Diego Bianchi, was invited for the Argentina Performance Art to participate at Grace Exhibition Space, Nueva York (2021), she recived the Beca Creación of Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2021) & the Beca Oxenford for artists (2020).
She has participated in numerous exhibitions, cycles and fairs both in Argentina and in other countries, which stand out: Acción de los días curated by Carla Barbero, Museo Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2020; Ciclo Hable con ella, curated by Gabriela Rangel, MALBA, 2020; Arteba, Sección principal, El Gran Vidrio, 2019 y 2020; La Marca Original. Arte argentino, curaduría de Gabriela Urtiaga, Centro Cultural Kirchner, 2019; Pausa, Bienal de Performance (Sede Córdoba, Fundación El Gran Vidrio, 2019.) Other institutions and spaces where her artwork has presented: Munar (2018), Galería Ruth Benzacar (2018), Centro Cultural San Martín (2010), Museo Sívori (2003), Museo de arte contemporáneo Unidad Básica (2017), Documenta Escénicas (2011), Museo Genaro Pérez (2021, 2014), Centro Cultural España Córdoba (2010), CEPIA UNC (2018), Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Chateau CAC (2010). In Mexico, she made residencies, presentation of individual and in colaboration works with other artists, as well as instances of training as a teacher, which stand out: Retrato oblicuo/espejo turbio, public space intervention, Seminario 12, 2020; Ad-hoc o cómo vivir juntos, Seminario 12, 2020; Artistic and teaching residency at SOMA educative program, 2019; Barro. Escritura inestable, intervención en espacio público, curaduría de Sofía Casarín y Andrea de la Torre Suárez, Monumento a la Revolución, Ruta del Castor, 2019. Other institutions in which she has had a presence in Mexico are: Academia de San Carlos FAD-UNAM (2015), Museo del Chopo (2010), Bienal de las Fronteras, (2014) Museo de arte contemporáneo de Tamaulipas (2014), Festival Cervantino de Guanajuato (2011). Her work was also took place at international spaces, such as: Galería Sicart Barcelona (2013), Centro de arte contemporáneo de Quito (2011), Articule Gallery Montreal (2010), Museo Etnográfico de Transilvania (2003) Stedelijke Musea Bélgica (2003), Museo Universitario de Panamá (2002, Art Medellín (2010), Pinta London (2011), Festival internacional de performance Trampolim Brasil (2011), Villa Victoria Center for the Arts Boston (2013), Perfolink-connection Chile (2011), Galería Balmaceda Valparaíso, Chile (2011) y Galería Homero Massena, Victoria, Brasil (2010).