Museo Moderno
Marchetti Lorena

Buenos Aires, 1976

She has a degree from the Universidad de Buenos Aires School of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism (FADU/UBA). She has taken studio and critique classes with Diana Aisenberg, Marta Zátonyi, Verónica Gómez, Gabriel Valansi, Guillermo Ueno, Alicia Romero, and Marcelo Giménez.
She was awarded third prize in photography at the 104th Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales.
In 2013, she was selected to participate in PAC, Programa Anual de Prácticas Artísticas Contemporáneas. Since 2015, she has formed part of the Colectivo Foto Féminas, a platform that supports women artists working in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2008, she has directed studionube, an art, photography, and design studio specialized in integral development and production in the spheres of publishing and culture.
As an independent art director, she produced the art and redesigned PAC’s publications for the years 2017 and 2018. She was the art director of “Escenario Prestado,” a publishing project dedicated to joining the visual arts and literature (2016 and 2017).
In 2017, she joined FOCO, a contemporary photography study group coordinated by Natalia Fortuny housed at the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, School of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and organized by the “Grupo de Estudio sobre Arte, Cultura y Política” directed by Ana Longoni. In 2018, she took El texto de la Obra, a writing workshop for visual artists given by Silvia Gurfein. In 2019, she participated in a yearlong critique program coordinated by painter Verónica Gómez. Exhibitions of her work have been held in Argentina and abroad.
She lives and works in Buenos Aires.