Museo Moderno
Luna María Elisa

María Elisa Luna was born in Buenos Aires in 1976 where she lives and works. She grew up influenced by the graphic world in her father’s printing press, in the Avellaneda neighborhood. She studies Textile Design at the UBA, Painting Professorship at the ENBA Prilidiano Pueyrredón and a Bachelor of Visual Arts at the IUNA.
From 2008 to 2013 she did a work clinic with Andrés Waissman. From 2009 to 2010 she traveled through Latin America, learning “backstrap loom” in Honduras and Mexico.
In 2012 to 2013 she participated in Andrea Cavagnaro’s Contemporary Textile Experimentation Workshop in which she investigated Russian embroidery and discovered paper tessellations. In 2012 she held her first individual exhibition “La gota de agua” at the Gachi Prieto gallery. In 2013 she held a screen printing seminar with Andrea Moccio, where she resumed her interest in graphics. That same year she was selected in the UADE National Painting contest and participated in the annual PAC artists program. In 2015 she was selected for the Itaú Prize and mentioned in the 6th National Painting Biennial “Premio Ciudad de Rafaela”. In February 2016 she held an individual exhibition at the Alfinete Gallery, in the city of Brasilia; She is selected in the Bco Painting contest. City and Selected in the Bancor Painting Prize 2016 and 2017. She Exhibits ̈RGB, Interferences ̈at the CC San Martín as part of the project selection. Since April 2016 she founded and manages, together with 3 other artists, DESARMADERO. In 2019 they are selected to inaugurate the CC Recoleta video room with its open call for video art and gif ̈PATIO DE SALVATAJE ̈ and develop selection and curation of the audiovisual exhibition schedule for 5 months.