Museo Moderno
Luna Leonel
Venus criolla, 200x150.

Buenos Aires, 1965

After having studied Fine Arts, he travels through Latin America to work on various archetypes of pre-Columbian art. He works as a researcher attached to the Institute of Aesthetic Research of the Autonomous University of Mexico in pre-Columbian art.
Simultaneously, he develops his plastic production based on photographic images that he recreates with digital treatments. In his works he takes the quote as a mechanism, which he uses from a historical-critical perspective. It appropriates renowned works by Cándido López, Ernesto de la Cárcova, Eduardo Sívori, Juan Manuel Blanes, Antonio Berni, among other River Plate artists, who have a strong critical charge. He works on them in order to show certain events of past and present history, with a certainly ironic and reflective tone.

He participated in the Kuitka Scholarship and the Barracas Workshop with Luis Benedit and Pablo Suarez. He was co-founder of the TRAMA Program, for cooperation and confrontation between artists.
Since 1991 he has had numerous individual exhibitions: “Palimpsesto”, Pinacoteca Palacio Sarmiento – Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Buenos Aires (2018) “Exercises for a good savage”, Cecilia Caballero Contemporary Art Buenos Aires (2018 ), “Canto al trabajo” – Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Buenos Aires (2017), “American Landscape” – Consulate General of Argentina in New York” (2016), “American Landscape” – Pabellón de las Artes de the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (2016), “Shipwreck” – MAT Museo Arte Tigre (2010), “Leonel Luna” – Braga Menéndez Gallery Bs.As. (2010), “Propositions, state of things in which they are immersed” – Recoleta Cultural Center Bs.As. (2010), “Visits to the present” – MUMA Junín (2009), “Apocryphal stories” – Diario Crítica Bs.As. (2008), “Situation Pictures” – Borges Cultural Center Bs.As. (2007), “Genealogies” – Recoleta Bs. As. Cultural Center (2006), “Contemporary Epics” – MAMBA Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (2004), “History Issues” – KBK Gallery, Mexico City (2003) , “His opulence is our exclusion” – Luisa Pedrouzo Gallery Bs.As. (2002), “Three years in captivity” – ICI Cultural Center of Spain (2001), “Shipwreck” – Government House Museum of Buenos Aires (1996) , “The verb reggio” – Julia Gallery Lublin Bs.As. (1994), “Natalio Artigas Pujol, itinerary of an unknown person”, Recoleta Bs. Bs. Cultural Center (1994), “A network of holes” – Casa Argentina de la Cultura México DF (1991), in addition to important collective exhibitions in Argentina, Berlin, Madrid, London, Rio de Janeiro, San Pablo, Quebec, Quito, San José de Costa Rica, Montevido, Mexico DF and the first exhibition of Argentine photography held in the US: “Photography in Argentina, 1850-2010: contradictions and continuity” J.P. Getty Museum, Los Angeles (September-January 2017) and Fundación PROA Bs.As., Argentina (April-July 2018).
He was selected to integrate the Argentine submission to the Tenth Edition of the Havana Biennial (2010).

His work is part of the collections of the MAMBA, MEC, Castagnino+MACRO, MUMA museums, the Central Bank of the Argentine Nation, the Arte x Arte Foundation, and the main private collections in Argentina and abroad.

He has received the Second and Third Prize of the Rosario National Hall (2001 and 2008); Young Artist of the Year Award from the Argentine Critics Association (2002); Konex Diploma Award for Merit in Digital Art (2002); Leonardo Prize in Digital Art, National Museum of Fine Arts (2003); First HP Invent Prize (2005); Second Prize Roggio Foundation, Emilio Caraffa Museum, Córdoba (2008), First Prize Tribute to the Ranquel People, San Luis (2009), Honorable Mention of the Jury in Photography, Banco Nación Visual Arts Prize (2016), Second Prize Arte x Arte Foundation (2017) and finalist of the Luz del Norte Foundation in the First Latin American Photography Contest, Monterrey, Mexico (2018).

Lives and works in Buenos Aires.