(Buenos Aires, 1980; 1986)
Lolo y Lauti are a contemporary Argentine art duo who have been working together since 2011. Their works include performances, videos, sculptures, installations and photography displayed in formats ranging from the exhibition to the opera, with social media and virtual reality in the middle. Their iconography comes from the world of Internet and television entertainment, but also from magazines and amusement parks. Fictional characters such as Mafalda and TV divas such as Moria Casán meet each other sharing the spotlight in a psychedelic remix full of theatrical reminiscences.
Just as they include elements belonging to mass media in art, they also conceive art with mass media strategies. They do not reject nor dwell on these references; they overbloat them until criticism and devotion become one. The main modus operandi of the duo is appropriation, a strategy shared by contemporary art and Argentine show business, which many times appropriates international show business. Just like Argentine TV diva Susana Giménez appropriates Broadway, Lolo y Lauti appropriate her, in a queer coded sign representing the free play of popular culture. Some of their most notable works are Localidades Agotadas (Curated by Raúl Flores. Barro, Buenos Aires, 2021), El Mundo del Espectáculo (Casa Nacional de Bicentenario, Buenos Aires, 2019), the video Carmen (MAC, Panama; MALBA, Buenos Aires; Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, 2018), the staging of contemporary opera Perfect Lives (Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires, 2016) and the performance Me Huevo Loca (ArteBa, Buenos Aires, 2019). They are curators of PERFUCH, the largest performance art festival in Argentina.
They live and work in Buenos Aires.

Video monocanal. Duración 5.15, proyección