Museo Moderno
Lionti Lucrecia
Oveja negra, oveja blanca. 200 x 200 cm. Natural and acrylic wool, fabric and wooden frame. 2022

Lucrecia Lionti (Tucumán, 1985) Her work is made up of textiles, collages, drawings, paintings, objects and installations in which she frequently includes words and phrases related to the materiality, history or meaning with which they are constructed. She works with language, mixing languages, idioms, formats, techniques and colors. She looks for materials of incongruous origins to put them in relation, some new with visual and conceptual particularities that contrast with others that are older or worn. She uses techniques such as two-needle knitting or slow-time and artisanal crochet along with faster machine sewing. In her pieces she reflects on the place where she lives, its history, its current situation, its economy, its institutions, its social classes, the context and circumstances that accompany it, the ways of survival and the ups and downs of those feelings. . She ironically relates complex themes of reality with different movements in art history. She has a degree in Plastic Arts from the National University of Tucumán 2003-2008, she continued her training in the Artists Program 2010 and Film Laboratory 2011 at the Torcuato Di Tella University. She lives and works in Buenos Aires.