Licata’s drawings, created using materials such as chalk, graphite, and ferrite on canvas, are characterized by a spontaneous and intuitive process, in which the artist allows chance and instinct to guide his hand. The resulting images are often abstract, yet suggestive of figurative elements.
He ́s drawings seem to emerge from a dense and smoky atmosphere, which evokes a sense of transformation and metamorphosis. The lines and shapes are fluid and ambiguous, shifting from one form to another, suggesting the fleeting nature of perception. Rather than seeking specific motifs to represent, Licata allows the form to emerge naturally from his process, with the gesture preceding any conscious decision about representation.
One of the most striking aspects of Licata’s work is his use of light as a material and a motif. In his drawings, light appears as a luminous trail, a ghostly aura, or a radiant spot, adding depth, texture to the images. As a consequence the organic forms that populate Licata’s drawings are imbued with a sense of otherworldly presence.
Licata’s art can be seen as a meditation on the elusive and enigmatic nature of perception, suggesting multiple layers of meaning and interpretation.

Untitled, 2022. Graphite, ferrie and chalk on canvas, 256 x 168 cm.