Adriana Lestido has dedicated the last 40 years to contemplate and capture without imposture the daily conficts of the human being. From the feminine gaze or the notable masculine absence, with a direct and testimonial aesthetic, impelled by the vital force of the necessity that was gestated from her own experiences, the artist tries to understand from her own history, the others, those of nature and those of the world. Everything happens by itself. And in that happening, the artist searches to see something else.
The exhibition project gather together her essays and iconic works – Madre e Hija de Plaza de Mayo (Mother and Daughter of Plaza de Mayo, 1982); Mujeres Presas (Imprisoned Women, 1991-1993); a selection of Madres Adolescentes (Adolescent Mothers, 1988-1990); Madres e Hijas (Mothers and Daughters, 1995-1998); Metrópolis (1888-1999) and Antártida (2012)- revealing the complex universe of essential bonds, showing their shades and complexities, as
well as the feelings and emotions that summon, in their most honest and raw essence, light and darkness; the timeless game of existence captured with an unusual humanism and sensitivity.
Donde todo empieza [Where it all begins] offers a comprehensive overview of Adriana Lestido’s practice, accompanying the recent release of her directorial debut, the flm Errante: La conquista del hogar [Wanderer: The Conquest of Home] at the auditorium of MALBA – Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires; and to the numerous institutional exhibitions where her work is currently on display: Del cielo a casa (MALBA, Argentina), Antártida negra (Centro Cultural Borges, Argentina), So much love and compassion (Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Germany), Sistemas de Representación (Centro Cultural Kirchner, Argentina), Breve historia de la eternidad (Centro Cultural Recoleta, Argentina) and Objeto histórico (Museo de Arte y Memoria, Argentina).

Madre e hija de Plaza de Mayo, 1982, photography, gelatin silver