Museo Moderno
Kaplan Bárbara
El peso de nuestros consumos, 2022

(Buenos Aires, 1980)

National Professor of Sculpture graduated from the “Prilidiano Pueyrredón” School of Fine Arts. She participated in the 2017 Art OMI Artistic Residency, Ghent, New York state, USA. She won the Williams Young Art Foundation Award in 2010, third prize, Centro Cultural Borges, BA, Argentina. In 2022 she won the Fundamentally Feminist scholarship from the Southern Women’s Fund (La Lengua En La Calle), and in 2021 the scholarship for group artistic creation, National Fund for the Arts (La lengua en la calle). In 2017 she won the Oxenford Artist Travel Grant. In 2015 she won the scholarship for artistic creation, National Endowment for the Arts.