Museo Moderno
Juárez Carla

Carla Florencia Juárez (1991) lives and works in Tucumán, Argentina. She is a visual artist, with a degree in Fine Arts, she graduated from the UNT Faculty of Arts. She works as a teacher at the secondary level and as an artist at Galería Fulana de Tafí Viejo, since 2020.
She did workshops and clinics with artists such as Antonella Aparicio, Ana Won, Benjamín Felicce, Marisa Rossini, Juan Carlos Romero, Marcelo Lazarte, Margarita Vera, Eduardo Joaquín, among others.
He held individual exhibitions in Tucumán: A song made of other songs at Fuzz, Espacio Cultural Independiente (2022; Los Restos at Espacio Cultural La Veleta (2019); Online, connection without wi-fi at La Galería (2014). Group exhibitions: The silence of things with Manuel Garay at Galería Fulana (2023), IV Regional Hall of the NOA Eng.
Recalcatti (2022); This is my newest and most powerful certainty, curated by Rocío Rivadeneyra, Casa de la Cultura Catalina Albarracín de Suárez, Tafí Viejo, Tucumán (2021); Eregebophilia with Diego Gelatti, curated by Leandre Soria. In Usurpa, SMT (2020); Shows Barrio Sur at Moreno 596 (2019). She also, with Galería Fulana, participated in national fairs such as Feria Arte Ba alongside Pamela González, Nadia Cohen Imach, Evi Tartari, Luis María Lontoya, Manuel Garay and Diego Gelatti, curated by Rocío Rivadeneyra (2021). Episode I of season 2, Draw, at; Equinox Fair, together with the artist Manuel Garay; Episode 5, #JAA (Young American Artists) with Nadia Cohen Imach, Diego Gelatti and Luis María Lontoya on