Museo Moderno
Martin Churba Buenos Aires 1970 Jessica Trosman Buenos Aires 1966, Programa circular de arte Humana, 2022, Plásticos reciclados, textil, madera, hierro, y cables de acero 15x15x15 metros PH Jorge Miño

Between 1997 and 2002, Jessica Trosman and Martín Churba formed the duo TROSMANCHURBA, a sought-after clothing line that explored the history of avant-garde fashion in Argentina. Interested in the transformation of materials and the alchemical processes involved in working with pressure and temperature, they linked the high and low of fashion in a sophisticated way. The duo’s use of the thermostamping machine, crucial in their previous works, reappears in HUMANA in its approach of rethinking the relationship we have with remains and leftovers. Transcending the individualized human body as a scale and unit of work, Trosman and Churba investigate the aesthetic, social and community dimension of the garbage dump, abandoning the parameters and limits of the industry to create a collective body, at once repulsive and beautiful.