Juliana Iriart drawings, painngs, videos, recordings, and acons are all intended to generate experiences that leave a lasng impression on both herself and her audience. She holds that art has a responsibility to expand and challenge the beliefs that shape our percepon of the world in each era. That it should queson the relaonships between individuals and the environments they inhabit, parcularly the processes of collecve construcon and the ambiguous noon of boundaries.
While reality is hierarchical and potenally autonomous, boundaries simultaneously serve as thresholds for the exchange relaonships that fuel our acons, from the simplest and everyday to the most complex dynamics within society.
Her search as a visual arst focuses on giving visible form to diverse experiences. Everything with which we coexist can be the subject of her work and can be transformed into drawings, painngs, installaons, recordings, and video operas. Her main intenon is to highlight the unique value of experience as a creator of new possibilies.
For the past 23 years, Juliana has been contribung to this issue, beginning with drawing and moving to installaons and acons. Recently, her work has involved the parcipaon of people as co-creators of the experience, inving reflecon on, among other things, the inevitable collecve creaon of the spaces we inhabit. Her works are parcular responses to general quesons such as: How do we draw a sound? How do we paint air? What do we have in common? How many things can transform us? How does the past exist in the present? How do we create a world we like?

Lo que no atrapa una reja. 2022. Acrílico sobre papel. 60x115x45