Museo Moderno
Heinrich Annemarie
Autorretrato con Ursula, 1938, Gelatina de plata sobre papel, Vintage print, 26 x 30,5 cm, Colección MALBA

(Darmstadt, Alemania, 1912 – Buenos Aires, 2005)

In 1926 she moved with her family to Argentina. She began learning photography as a self-taught photographer in a home darkroom. In 1930, she opened her first studio and in 1933 she began to collaborate with social magazines. In parallel to this activity, he started a career as a portraitist of great figures of the Teatro Colón. For forty years she illustrated uninterruptedly the covers of Antena and Radiolandia magazines. In the 40’s, she became known for her portraits of the stars of Argentine cinema: she specialized in that genre and in the nude.
This professional work had as a counterpart an experimental development with the photographic image carried out particularly during her travels. Heinrich was a pioneer in working with photography as art.
Her first individual exhibition was in Chile in 1938 and from then on she had numerous permanent exhibitions in the country and abroad. Between 1952 and 1959 she was part of La Carpeta de los Diez, a group of photographers who met with the intention of promoting experimentation and renewal of language. She was a founder of the Argentine Council of Photography, and a board member of the Association of Professional Photographers. She was a member of the jury of the Federación Argentina de Fotografía and of the Foto Club Buenos Aires, and Honorable Excellence of the Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique, among other distinctions.
Her works are part of numerous collections such as the National Gallery of Art (Washington DC), MALBA, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires and Museo Nacional del Cine, among others.She lived and worked in Buenos Aires from 1926 until her death in 2005.