Museo Moderno
Hauyon Paulina Silvia
Después de Gillian Carnegie, 2012: óleo sobre tela, 170 x 170 cm

Paulina Silva Hauyon (1980, Santiago de Chile) Lives and works in Santiago de Chile. She has a degree in Visual Arts from the Finis Terrae University of Santiago, Chile and a Master’s degree in Research in Art and Creation from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. She has obtained the following scholarships: Fondart Chile (Hangar Residence, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019 and Hangar Residence, Barcelona, Spain, 2015-2016); Botín Foundation (Losing the North Workshop with Julie Mehretu, Santander, Spain, 2015); Carolina Foundation (Master in Art and Creation at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 2015-2014); Capacete Residence (Universidade de Verao, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013); AECID (FAC Residence, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2009) and CC Rojas-UBA (Visual Arts Clinic, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007).
Her individual exhibitions include: The color of my last room, at Galería Die Ecke (Santiago de Chile, 2016); Last day of summer, at Galería Mite (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016); Disobedience in the UCM Library (Madrid, Spain, 2014); I will remain here; at Die Ecke Gallery (Santiago de Chile, 2012); You will never walk alone, in Galería Foster Catena (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011), and La Esperanza Negra, in Galería 713 (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007). She has exhibited collectively in different spaces such as: Centro Cultural Matta (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018); EAC (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2013); Aroldo Conti Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013); Luis Adelantado Gallery (Valencia, Spain, 2013); George Philippe & Natalie Vallois Gallery (Paris, France, 2013); Sicart Gallery (Barcelona, Spain, 2011); Center d’Arte Tecla Sala (Barcelona, Spain, 2010); National Arts Fund (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009); FAC (Montevideo, Uruguay, 2009); Castagnino Museum (Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2006), and National Museum of Fine Arts (Santiago de Chile, 2001), among others.
She has obtained the following awards: Franc Vila-Galería Luis Adelantado Award (Valencia, Spain, 2013); Guasch Coranty Foundation International Painting Prize (Barcelona, Spain, 2010); VI Salón Universidad Finis Terrae Award (Santiago de Chile, 2005); Philips Art Expression Award for Young Talents of Chile (Santiago de Chile, 2001); Second Philips Art Expression Prize for Young Talents from Latin America (Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2001).