Museo Moderno
Gugger Juan
Todo lo desvanecido ha sedimentado en las superficies, 2018

Juan Gugger (Córdoba, 1986) develops sculptures, installations and videos. His projects reflect on the speed of consumption of information and products in today’s way of life. A traveling artist, his practice links circumstantial aspects – economic, emotional or historical – with the physical and cultural environments in which he finds himself. Gugger carried out the training programs at the Artistic Research Center and the Torcuato Di Tella University. Among the exhibitions in which he has participated are: Plateforme (Paris, 2021), More Projects (Paris, 2021), Bienal Sur (Córdoba, 2021), KAMC (Yokohama, 2020), Fondation d’Enterprise Fiminco (Paris, 2020 ), Fondation Claude Monet (Giverny, 2019), MACBA (Buenos Aires, 2019), Centro Cultural Kirchner (Buenos Aires, 2019), Julio Artist-Run Space (Paris, 2018), NN Galería (La Plata, 2018), Sala of Projects (Bogotá, 2017), MACRO (Rosario, 2016), Buenos Aires Young Art Biennial (Buenos Aires, 2015), MARGS (Porto Alegre, 2014). He has participated in residencies such as the Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, 2019), Terra Foundation (Giverny, 2019), FLORA (Bogotá, 2017), Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles, 2014), Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo (Montevideo, 2013) . Distinctions include: Terra Foundation Fellowship (Chicago, 2019), Kenneth Kemble Grand Prize (Buenos Aires, 2018), Roberts Scholarship (2017), Federal Collecting Collective Scholarship (2016), National Endowment for the Arts Creation Scholarship ( 2016) and Project to Develop Award at the IV Buenos Aires Young Art Biennial (2015). He lives and works in Paris, France.