Museo Moderno
Groesman Denise
Latex lux 1 - 2022 - Cajón de madera, luz led y látex con semillas, tela, frutos y cable - 54 x 40 x 15 cm.

Denise Groesman views her work as a living enty, constantly evolving and facilitang ever-changing experiences. Fascinated by architecture’s transformave potenal and its impact on our senses, she challenges the neutrality of exhibion spaces in her shows. By infusing them with life, she transforms clean rooms into dynamic organisms, treang artworks as interacve visitors. This symbioc relaonship, inspired by animism, blurs the boundaries between the living and lifeless, inving viewers to engage with the works and be influenced by them. In her installaon environments, Denise aims to foster encounters between the living and inanimate. By integrang sculptures, painngs, and various objects, she establishes a dependent relaonship between the works and the visitors. This approach, characterized by animisc inspiraon, emphasizes the reciprocal nature of experiencing and being experienced by the artworks. Denise explores the interplay between the beauful and the abject, recognizing the potenal danger inherent in certain aesthec experiences. She perceives the body as a vessel for a multude of conscious and unconscious sensaons, both individual and collecve. With meculous consideraon for symbolic weight, memory, smell, sound, and texture, Denise carefully selects objects and materials that transport us to alternave worlds, no less real than our own.