Museo Moderno
Gómez Verónica
Muchacha con capa de líquen, 2015 Oil on paper 65 x 50 cm

Verónica Gómez (Buenos Aires, 1978). Artist and teacher. She is a National Professor of Painting (ENBAPP) and a graduate in Visual Arts (IUNA). She received the following scholarships: Visual Arts Clinic, C. C. Rojas (2006), Intercampos Program, Espacio Fundación Telefónica (2005), Creation Scholarship, FNA (2004 and 2012), and Pollock-Krasner Foundation NY scholarship (2016). He participated in individual and group exhibitions in Argentina and abroad: Petrobrás Prize for Visual Arts, ArteBA (2007), II Biennale of the End of the World, Tierra del Fuego (2009), X Biennale de Lyon, Institut d’art contemporain, France (2009), “Last Trends II”, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (2012), “Pelican Kingdom”, Foster Catena Gallery (2012), “(Des)proportions”, National Fund of the Arts, Buenos Aires (2012) ), “Acrónica”, MAT (Tiger Art Museum) (2012), “Pets Portraits”, Museum of Plastic Arts “E. Sívori”, Buenos Aires (2013), “Fulgor”, Gachi Prieto Arte Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires (2013), “Aída y la Fuga de los Calvos”, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (2013), “Sovereignty of Use” , OSDE Foundation Art Space (2014), “Doing with what is done”, Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Cuenca, Ecuador (2015), II Jerusalem Biennial, “It has always been the book”, Van Leer’s Polonky Research Institution , Israel (2015), “The Edge of Ice”, Gachi Prieto Latin American Art (2016), “The Mysteries of Udolfo”, Casa Tomada, National House of the Bicentennial (2016), “Suihkulädepatsaat”, Nelimarkka-museum, Finland (2017) ), “Disarticulations”, Blau Projects Gallery, San Pablo (2017), “Against the sun”, Recoleta Cultural Center (2018), “The adversary”, Klemm Foundation (2019), “Lar, twelve lar”, Bienalsur, Embassy of Brazil in Argentina (2019), “Ways of seeing, ways of looking”, Quadro gallery (2019), “The withdrawal of space”, Quadro gallery (2020), “The waves of desire”, CNB, Buenos Aires, 2022, “Tragic and erotic”, Pólvora 720, Buenos Aires, 2021, “Kaleidoscopio”, Jorge Mara-La Ruche Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2021, “The houses of unusual girls”, Fortabat Collection, 2023, among others. He obtained the following awards: First Prize Acquisition LXIV National Salon of Rosario, “Juan B. Castagnino” Museum of Fine Arts, Honorable Mention Braque Prize, Museum of the University of Tres de Febrero (2013), First Prize XXI Klemm Prize for Visual Arts (2017), 8M Acquisition Prize 2022, CCK, Art Week Prize 2022 and the National Arts Fund Acquisition Grand Prize (2022). In 2015 she attended Arteles Creative Residency Program, Hämeenkyrö, Finland and in 2017 Nelimarkka-museum Residency, Alajärvi, Finland. His work is part of the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Banco Supervielle, Castagnino-MACRo, Palais de Glace, National Fund of the Arts and private collections. He lives and works in Buenos Aires.