Museo Moderno
Golder Gabriela
Arrancar los ojos

Gabriela Golder (Argentina, 1971) Visual artist, investigator, curator and teacher in Argentina and different countries. She fundamentally works with moving images and her artistic practice mainly raises issues related to memory, identity, institutional violence and work. Her videos, films and installations, for which she has won various awards, have been presented at numerous exhibition and festivals around the world. Among others: National Museum of Fine Arts of Chile; Biennial of Contemporary Art Sesc_Videobrasil, Sao Paulo; Bienalsur, Buenos Aires; Jakarta Biennale; Whitechapel Gallery, London; Dazibao, Montreal; The Maison Rouge, Paris; Dissonance, Getty Center, Los Angeles; DEAF, Rotterdam; Sharjah Biennale, United Arab Emirates; Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany; Monitoring, Kassel; Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; X Havana Biennial. Her works received various awards: KONEX 2022 Award: Art and Technology; 2nd Prize ARTHAUS 2022; Presidency of the Nation Award for the best work of the 109 National Hall of Visual Arts, 2021; Itaú Visual Arts Award 2020; Estado da Arte, at the 21st Biennial of Contemporary Art Sesc_Videobrasil, 2019; BA Specific Site, 2014, Luis Espinal Award-Mostra CineTrabalho, Brazil, 2011; Ars Electronica, 80+1 Project (for ARRORRÓ project), 2009; Sigwart Blum Award from the Association of Art Critics of Argentina, 2007; Media Art Award from the Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Germany, 2004; First Prize in the National Hall of Visual Arts, 2003; Videobrasil First Prize, 2003; Videoformes Festival Grand Prize, France, 2003, and Tokyo Video Award, Japan, 2002.