Museo Moderno
Gloriani Federico

1985, Pergamino, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

He works at the interdisciplinary intersections between art, science and technology. In several of his projects you can see an experimental use of communication technologies, especially those that are obsolete or on the verge of obsolescence. Many times these elements are not raised in works themselves, but in processes, actions or experiments. He has made pirate FM radio and over-the-air television transmissions, carried out communicative experiments with landlines and telegraphs, and is currently researching some 19th century electronic communication devices such as the Telehor and the Pantelegraph. In his works he articulates the application of the scientific method with poetic investigations.

Fede Gloriani is a graduate of the School of Fine Arts of the National University of Rosario. His specific training in technical areas (such as physics or electronics) came from private workshops, tutorials on YouTube and Lupín and Mecánica Popular magazines. Between 2013 and 2018 he was part of the Espacio Lab team (art, science and technology program based at the Rosario Astronomical Complex) and Sub Escuela (independent, portable and horizontal school). Both spaces were essential in his formation and collective growth. He is currently a member of the duo Campo Modulado, together with the Neuquén artist Fabián Urban, with whom he explores issues related to soundscapes, wave modulation and the construction of antennas. Together with Julia Levstein he co-directs the América Elda Nancy art library and archive.

Among his individual exhibitions, the following stand out: System Artifices, curated by Carlos Stia in Crudo (Rosario, 2019). 546 kilometers, telegraphic communications between the Ferrowhite Workshop Museum and the Lucinda Larrosa Cultural Station Museum (Ingeniero White, province of Buenos Aires, and Fernández Oro, province of Río Negro, 2018). Ricaldoni File, tutored by Gab Gabelich and Mauro Guzmán at the French Alliance (Rosario, 2019). 4,742,688, curated by Yuyo Gardiol and tutored by Jorge La Ferla, at the Center for Contemporary Expressions (Rosario, 2017). Lamb Chop TV, at the Center for Contemporary Expressions (Rosario, 2015).

Among his group exhibitions, the most recent are: Lost in transmission, curated by Lole Remón at AVTO (Istanbul, 2019). 2018 Art and Technology Competition, organized by the National Arts Fund, at the Kirchner Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, 2019). Do it, curated by Leandro Comba and Romina Castiñera, at the Parque de España Cultural Center (Rosario, 2018). Artists and researchers in residence, at the Contemporary Art Space – EAC (Montevideo, 2018). The image burns, within the framework of Byte Footage, Latin American Digital Image Festival, Kirchner Cultural Center (Buenos Aires, 2018). Dislocations and displacements, organized and curated by Barda del Desierto, at the National Museum of Fine Arts (Neuquén, 2018). International Itinerant Club, as part of the Sub Escuela collective, together with Escola Da Floresta and Intervalo Escola, in Ateliê 397 (São Paulo, 2017). Nash’s dilemma, curated by Luciano Burba and Anibal Buede, at the Cabildo of Córdoba (Córdoba, 2017). Silencio Procedure, curated by Clarisa Appendino, at the OSDE Foundation Art Space (Rosario, 2016).