Museo Moderno
Florido Victor
Pasillo, 2017-2018, oil on canvas, 198x153cm

Víctor Florido was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1976.
He studied painting with Sergio Bazán and art history with Laura Batkis. He participated in the residency at Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam (2001-2002) and was a scholarship recipient of the Center for Artistic Research (CIA) program in Buenos Aires (2011-2012). In 2013 he won the scholarship from the National Fund for the Arts – Haroldo Conti and in 2016 he participated in the Sâo Paulo art residency FAAP (Fundaçao Álvares Penteado). His work is part of public and private collections such as the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid, FRAC Aquitaine Bordeaux, Museo Caraffa Cordoba, Museo Franklin Rawson de San Juan, Banco de la Nación Argentina, Banco Central de Argentina, Museu de Arte Brasileira- MAB, Banco Supervielle, among others.

Florido paints paintings with straight lines and a limited palette: grays, browns, very dark blues and some pinks. He builds from a refined technique, from a certain classicism climbed on an easel, environments of a possible house.

There are rooms, halls, libraries, walls with superimposed paintings that he intensifies, through careful perspective, the setting in the abyss. Florido paints a painting that in turn contains another painting but also the sketches, the
readings, the roles they gave him, for example, getting to paint him. That recursive structure, that exploratory loop of the possibilities of the image, forms a series within each work due to the objects and the way they are represented: Víctor Florido paints his own paintings as a theme.