Museo Moderno
Ferrari Mariana
Material life, 2019 Mix media on canvas 275 × 230 cm

Mariana Ferrari (Tucumán, Argentina, 1975) studied at the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Tucumán and has lived in Buenos Aires since 2004. Between 2002 and 2005 she received the Creation Scholarship from the Antorchas Foundation and, in 2009, a Scholarship from Formation of the National Endowment for the Arts. She participates in the arteBA Petrobras Award in 2004 and 2009 and, in 2013, she participates in the Artists Program at the Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires. Her individual exhibitions include Casi Blanco, at the Timoteo Navarro Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Tucumán, 2001; Distant similarities, secret affinities, Praxis Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2013; Fósil Salvaje, Big Sur Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2015. she participates, among others, in the exhibitions Colectivos y Asociados, Casa de América, Madrid, 2002; Material Doesn’t Matter, Distrito 4 Gallery, Madrid, 2007; The world fits in one work, Bienal Sur, Memorial de América Latina, San Pablo, 2017; In the exercise of things. The decisions of touch, Casa de América, Madrid, 2017; Braque Prize 2019, Muntref (Museums of the Tres de Febrero University), Buenos Aires, 2019. Between 2018 and 2019 he joined the Boca de Fuego group of artists (collective workshops of the MUNAR project in Buenos Aires) and among his latest collective exhibitions are highlights: Acople, Roldán Moderno, 2019 and in 2020 Inédita, Barro gallery, Buenos Aires. In 2022 she participates in A Slow Come Coming. Works from the Oxenford Collection, Mac de Niteroi. Saint Paul. Curated by Mariano Mayer.