Rocío Englender’s work is closely related to her life, since her life revolves around her work and both constantly feed each other. Her work in the artistic field, along with her own work, is varied: she makes floral arrangements, builds models for a museum and, on occasion, assists other artists. All of these jobs directly influence her work. She saves and uses leftover flowers in her art, she replicates works that challenge and obsess her, and she incorporates personal objects such as her name, hair, and clothing in a subtle way. Her painting oscillates between abstraction and figuration as a result of an intuitive and spontaneous construction process. “How to create images today?”, “How to create an image from the remix that we make all the time?”, through these triggers the artist asks about the meaning of beauty and challenges the canons of painting.His works dialogue, putting in tension the archetypal idea of the elegant and the feminine, questioning the meaning of beauty.

Rocío 2 - - 2021 - Flor disecada, plástico y bordado de pelo natural sobre remera de algodón - 61, 5 x 50 cm.