Museo Moderno
Dirty Tobías

Tobias Dirty (Villa Gessel, 1990)
Tobías was born in 1990 in Villa Gesell, Argentina, and he lives and works in Buenos Aires, where he is also currently pursuing a degree in Art Criticism at the Universidad Nacional de Arte.
Tobías works in different media and disciplines, including drawing, sculpture and installation, addressing issues such as gender, inclusion, labour and discrimination by proposing reections through experimental situations. He has participated in collective exhibitions and has also had solo exhibitions in various underground art spaces in Buenos Aires, as well as in more established, well known art galleries and institutions such as Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Teatro Argentino de La Plata and Museo Castagnino-Macro in Rosario. He has participated in local art fairs such as ArteBA, Feria Junta and Tijuana, as well as international fairs in Greece and Sweden. He won rst place in Proyecto A awards in 2012 and rst place in the Fundación Williams Young Art awards in 2015. From 2013 to 2015 Tobías was co-director of Galería Urgente.