Museo Moderno
Díaz Facundo

1985, Mendoza, Argentina

Facundo Diaz is an artist and manager.

The word, the drawing and the painting are a trilogy and unity in his work. It uses these languages as means to reveal personal mysteries and increases uncertainty using landscape, geography and fire as constant resources, where nature and its elements are intertwined with the plane of dreams and reality, appealing to cryptozoology: pseudoscience and subculture that tries to prove the existence of extinct, mythological or folkloric animals, performatively embodying these beings, registering them in inhospitable places. In his texts, he questions and blurs the limits by stating that drawing is “taking charge of a way of writing and writing is taking charge of a Form, to draw.”

From 2007 to 2009 he studied at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the National University of Cuyo, where he was part of the Salames al Futuro and Costado Art Gallery collective, with whom he won the Young Neighborhood Work award arteBA in 2009, in 2015 he was awarded with the Stage Award (Uno Medios) for his role as manager in Mendoza. In 2013 he received a scholarship to participate in the Yungas Mendoza clinic, and during 2014 he performed a clinic with Diana Aisenberg, among others.

His main individual exhibitions include: Duros por Fuera, Turbo Galería (CABA, 2010); Monumental Phase 1, from Monster to Monster, Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza (Mendoza, 2013); and Existentialist Fantasy, Image Gallery, (Mendoza, 2017).

Among his main group exhibitions are: Escuela Novena Diana Aisenberg, Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza (Mendoza, 2012); Yungas Project, Municipal Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza (Mendoza, 2013); Yungas Mendoza-Corrientes Project, Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center (CABA, 2014); and The Accessible Image, Municipal Museum of Modern Art (Mendoza, 2016).

He currently lives and works in Mendoza, Argentina