He studied at the Escuela de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón and he went deeply into his education through the scholarships: Kuitca (1994) granted by the Fundación PROA and the one of the Taller de Barracas (1995-1996) granted by the Fundación Antorchas and directed by Pablo Suárez and Luis Benedit. He also has got the scholarship for creation by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes in the years 2000 and 2015. In 2001 he received the 2o Acquisition prize of sculpture Banco Ciudad and in 2002 the Konex award of merit, sculpture section. 2006, First Prize Osde Foundation and in 2019, Fist Sculpture Prize of the 108° Fine Arts National Salon.
Among the individual exhibitions that he showed, the ones that stand out are: “Stage Diving”, MNBA Neuquén and GET OUT, Maman Fine Art Gallery in 2019, “Stage Diving”, Museo Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba in 2017; “Entro” in 2013, at the exhibition room C of the CCRecoleta (Buenos Aires). “Diosas”, in 2008, at the Ruth Benzacar art
gallery (Buenos Aires); “Girls”, in 2007, at the Scott Richards contemporary art gallery (San Francisco, USA), “Sola”, in 2005, at the Baro Cruz art gallery (San Pablo, Brasil) “Cliche” in 2003 at the Ruth Benzacar art gallery; “Maquillaje” in 2001, at the Ruth Benzacar art gallery; “Pinturas” in 1992 in the CC Ricardo Rojas. Some of the collective exhibitions were: In 1992 “El Rojas presenta: Algunos Artistas” at the CCRecoleta. In 1999 Paralelas/Paralelos”, Ruth Benzacar Art Gallery. En 2006 “El Cuerpo Diseñado” Room Cronopios CCRecoleta, and “Transaversal” at Baró Cruz Art Gallery, 2004. He has participated in several Biennials and international fairs, such as the Biennial of La Habana 2010 (Cuba), Bienal Sur 2017/19 (Argentina) Arco (Madrid, Spain), Basel (Miami, USA), Pulse (New York, USA), MACO (México DF, México), arteBA (Buenos Aires), among others.
His work is part of private and public collections, such as the Collection of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes of Neuquén (MNBA Neuquén); Museo de Arte Moderno of the city of Buenos Aires (MAMBA), Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires Collection, Museo de Arte Con-temporáneo of Rosario (MACRO) Collection, Gustavo Bruzzone’s Collection, Aníbal Jozami’s Collection, Esteban Tedesco’s Collec-tion, among others.

Adrenalina (detalle)