Claire Claire de Santa Coloma (1983. Buenos Aires, Argentina) studied at Ateliers Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris and at La Sorbonne. She lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina after being based in Lisbon, Portugal (2009-2020) and Sydney (2020-2022). In 2017 she was the first non-Portuguese artist to win the EDP New Artist Award. Santa Coloma regularly exhibits across Europe and South America. Her practice is primarily sculpture based, it also includes works on paper. The central theme of sculpture itself, its possibilities of material realization and how we physically relate to it, informs her work.

"Composição Eterna", 2017 "Eternal Composition", 2017 Instalación. Prémio Novos Artistas Fundação EDP, maat- Museu de Arte Arquitectura e Tecnologia, Lisboa Installation. New Artist Award EDP Fondation, maat- Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology medidas variables foto: Bruno Lopes