Museo Moderno
De las Carreras Emilia

The work methodology of Emilia de las Carreras (33 years old, Buenos Aires) is a braided system, a confluence of three elements; a visual and sensory operation on the bodies, captures of external research, especially, influxes from various sciences such as medicine and biology, which flow to a third element: self-knowledge and fictionalization. She conducted a work clinic with Fabiana Barreda, Osías Yanov, Luciana Lamothe and Ernesto Ballesteros. She participated in group exhibitions in Munar, MBA-MAC Museum, La Verdi, La Alianza Francesa, El Mirador, Bikini Wax (Mexico), CAC (Ecuador). She has individual exhibitions at Gachi Prieto Gallery (2011 and 2014), No Lugar (Residence in Quito, 2014), Proyecto A (2017), Espacio Qubo Quimera Galería (2020) and at Galería Grasa (2022). She was selected for the ABC Scholarship (2014), Proyecto PAC 2014, and in 2018 she received a scholarship for the ArtistasxArtistas training program directed by Florencia Rodríguez Giles and Tomás Espina, and Spooky Vision directed by Nicanor Araoz and Flavia da Rin. She was the winner of the Project A competition where he held his individual exhibition “Then, assemble with the remains.” In 2019 she was selected for the Young Art Biennial and the Itaú Cultural Prize. She currently lives and works in Buenos Aires, she is part of the Vergel teaching team, in the “Pintando en el Hospital” program and she attends the Torcuato Di Tella Artists Program.