Museo Moderno
de Itatí Richar
Totem Guaraní II

Richar De Itatí (born Ricardo Orlando Ortiz in Corrientes, 1980) is a contemporary artist, teacher, curator and cultural manager. He has worked with photography, performance, sculpture, printmaking, drawing and painting. For more than ten years he has dedicated himself to ceramics with ancestral Guaraní techniques. He founded and managed residences and key collective projects in Corrientes, such as Yaguá Rincón, and in Chaco, San Pedro Pescador. With artists from the first, he participated in arteBA 2008 and 2009. In 2023, his work as a cultural manager was compiled in the book Yaguá Rincón, published by the India label, with the support of the Corrientes Institute of Culture. Along with the presentation of the book, the artists of that art collective had a tribute and exhibition at Arteco 2023 and at Pinta Sud Asu, Asunción del Paraguay. The book was also presented at the Córdoba Art Market fair and in Malba, with the launch of Arteco, an art fair in Corrientes. He obtained the title of Professor of Visual Arts and studied the Specialty in Visual Arts at the Josefina Contte Higher Institute, Corrientes, in 2009 and 2003. There he was also in charge of the Experimental Art workshop between 2010 and 2013. He carried out work clinics with Diana Aisenberg, Esteban Álvarez, Patricia Hakim, Roberto Amigo, Rafael Cippollini, Marina de Caro, among others, through different scholarships from the FNA, Fundación Antorchas and the Institute of Culture of the province. In 2023, he is pursuing the Master of Curatorial Arts in Visual Arts at UNTREF. His work is part of private collections in Argentina, and is preserved in the collection of museums such as the Dr. Juan R. Vidal Provincial Museum of Fine Arts and the Ñande Mac de Arte Contemporáneo de Corrientes. In 2023, he was selected to participate in the Sacred Art Biennial, with Virgen de Itatí, on display at the Recoleta Cultural Center between August and October. He received the Stimulus Award in that contest.