Museo Moderno
Costa Ariel

He was born on June 26, 1975 in Santa Fe. He grew up in Villa Ángela, Chaco.

He would later move to Rosario where he studied Fine Arts at UNR, a city
where she currently resides.

During his training, she took the seminar on “Professionalization of Ar-
tists”, organized by La Herrmana Favorita (Rosario, 2010); and the “Workshop

of production” by Fabiana Imola and Leandro Comba (Rosario,

2004). He also held a works clinic with the artist Alicia Herrera (Ro-
sario, 2005).

He exhibited in various group exhibitions and held individual exhibitions,
among which stand out: “LEGENDARY MATERIAL” (SPACE 1670

– Rosario, 2019); “That hole in the ice” (CRUDO – Rosario, 2018); “My

indestructible brother” (Mal de Archivo – Rosario, 2016); “Everything is going to be-
more or less well” (Embrujo – Rosario, 2015). He participated in samples

collective exhibitions at the Castagnino+MACRO museum, at the headquarters of the National Fund
nal of the Arts and the Rosa Galisteo Museum of Santa Fe. His works have been awarded: mention award at the LXIII National Salon.
tional (Rosario, 2009); II Drawing Prize at the LXXXVI Salón de Mayo,

Rosa Galisteo Museum (Santa Fé, 2009); Silver Cord Hall Mention
(Rosario, 2007); Mention 5th Salón Diario la Capital (Rosario 2006);
First Open Outdoor Sculpture Workshop coordinated by Enio
Iommi, Bernardino Rivadavia Cultural Center, work selected for
location in a public place in the city (Rosario, 1994).
Together with CRUDO he participated in contemporary art fairs: Pinta Miami
(Miami, USA, 2018 and 2019); Microfair (Rosario, 2017 and 2018); Market
of Art (Córdoba, 2017, 2018 and 2019); and the La Fugaz auction (Week of
Rosario Art, 2017).
Together with the artist Pauline Fondevila he carries out the Office 26 project
in the city of Rosario, which is both a workshop, an exhibition space and
events related to contemporary art.