She was born in Tucumán in November 1990. Raised with paper, pencils and ink, drawing was always her best way to express herself. Since she was little, her mother, K. Valeria Dicker, also an artist, introduced her to the world of art, taking her with her to exhibitions, galleries, workshops and revealing the world through her eyes. Her restless personality led her to immigrate to Israel and there, outside the known universe. Follow in her mother’s footsteps. She studied fine arts and psychopedagogy at the University of Haifa. She found in the arts school a safe place to express herself through diversity. Her experience studying it was characterized by living with women from different backgrounds.
cultural and ethnic, which inspired her first works. She graduated in 2015 with honors with a specialty in painting and printmaking and her exhibition was awarded the 2nd excellence scholarship from the faculty.
She is finishing her master’s degree in curating at the University of Haifa. She decides to return to Tucumán with her partner and take root in the place where she saw her grow up. She participated in numerous group exhibitions in Haifa and Tucumán.
She is currently producing in Tucuman. Her works are part of private collections in Guatemala, Israel, Spain, the United States, Brazil and Argentina. She is currently an artist at so-and-so gallery, directed by Pamela Gonzalez.