Museo Moderno
Chouhy Virginia

She was born in Córdoba in 1973. She lives in San Nicolás (Buenos Aires) and works in Rosario (Santa
She is an artist, architect and clothing and textile designer.
She conducted work clinics with Diana Aisenberg, Gabriel Valansi, Lila Siegrest, Nancy Rojas,
Clarisa Apendino, Guillermina Mongan, among others. She conducted characterization clinics and
costumes at the Teatro Colón.
First Prize: Provincial contest “100 ideas for rosary” – Theme: Periphery, as a whole
with the team belonging to Architectural Project II – Taller Arq. Galli. (1997)
First Prize: Provincial Ideas Competition – 1st stage of the remodeling of the Parque de la
Independencia- for the property of the Rural Society of Rosario, together with Architects Solari, Lein
and Ranzini. (1999)
First Prize: National Competition “Architectural Foundation” – Theme: Housing group
along with Architects Solari, Lein, and Ranzini. Finalist Year for the ITAU Visual Arts Award
2016/2017 in its 8th edition (2013).

Selected in the “Emerging Artists” competition of the Center for Contemporary Expressions.
Rosario lines (2015).

Selected to be part of the “New identities” project coordinated by Marcos
Lopez and the Secretariat of Culture of Rosario. (2016)

She has dedicated herself to architecture, art, film and design. She is interested in inter-
disciplinary. the projects to be addressed from the interdisciplinary perspective, working on issues

climatological conditions of the space since its construction.
In 2001, in the middle of the crisis, she developed a clothing brand with Architect Alisa Lein.

experimental leather Chouhy Lein working on “the garment as minimal housing”, participating
She appeared in national and international exhibitions.

She carried out the “Experimento Litoral” textile line project, addressing the
garment as living space. She was part of 101 designers in the country to integrate the
book “INTI Map of Argentine design”. At the cinema; She integrated and co-directed the Art and
Costumes from films by directors from Rosario such as Postiglione, Pavanetto, Nicolás. She collaborated
in the Viamonte arte y anes project and in Casa Espacio en trabajo, self-managed spaces
of Art of the city of Rosario.
She participated in “Proyecto entrecasa”, an artist training program at CRUDO (2014).
She participated in the 2012 Rosario Art Week as a member of the group of artists invited.
by project A la cal by Lisandro Arévalos. She carried out the specific topo project “Trazo
“Scorched” in a vacant lot in the Arroyito neighborhood in Rosario, included in the frame
“Personal and collective records of the city” Symposium of the State University of
Rio de Janeiro.