Lives and works in Buenos Aires. She received from the Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts School. Since 2021 she has participated in Luis María Terán’s clinic and workshop. She is currently carrying out the Artists by Artists program of Fundación El Mirador. In 2022 she held her first individual exhibition “Like a vermin attracted by the light” curated by Carlos Gutierrez at Galería Komuna.
She participated in the following group exhibitions: “Summer Consumption” Wunsch Gallery; CEMETERY, Munar Arte, 2022; “What crawls never falls” Basile, 2022; “”Molecular affinity”” Munar Arte, 2021; “”The floor is lava”” Munar Arte, 2021; “”Para Todes Tode”” Kirchner Cultural Center, 2019; “”MEETING””, Soto Avedaño Museum, Jujuy, 2019.

Chaldu Melina Buenos Aires 1997. Vase, 2023. oil on canvas. 70 x 100 Fotografía: Benjamin Vizcano