Buenos Aires, 1958. Graduate in Arts UNA. Thought clinics with T. De Sagastizábal, D. Aisemberg E. Stupìa at the UTDT, Ernesto Ballesteros, F. Burgos. In 2022 she was awarded the FNA Creation scholarship and in 2023 the FNA scholarship. She is the creator of the Mediomundo space together with I. Banchero Residencia la eclectica Málaga 2023. Residency at the “19” CRAC Montbelliard France 2001 and 2012. Since 1998 she has participated in National Salons and other events. Some Samples: Light Notes The cultural San Martín CCGSM, From the floor to the ceiling Galeria C. Caballero, The shape of the line at the CCBorges 2016 curated by E. Stupìa. The Foam of the Days Van Riel 2013, Retinal Kisses Van Riel 2009, Color in all its diversity, CCBorges, curator P. Cyroulnik 2010, Parti Pris, Le “19” CRAC Montbelliard 2011- Les motifs de la Peinture Galerie Brun L ‘egisle, France. The blue of the Sky El Borde 2004, Clippings A. French Curator Sonia Becce 2000. Three walls Jitrik F. Burgos. Selected in the following Awards: III of the Central Bank. MNBA 2010 and Bicentennial House, UADE Award, E. Caraffa Museum National Hall 2015, Sìvori Museum. Tucumán National Hall Museo Timoteo Navarro 2019, among others.

Bajo la luz del mediodía Año, 2022. Oil and pastel installation paintings on canvas, flowers, branches. 180 x 140 x 150 cm. PH: Gustavo Sosa Pinilla