Museo Moderno
Caiazza Florencia
No Title, 2021.

Florencia Caiazza (Buenos Aires, 1982) trained at the Regina Pacis School of Arts and Program for Artists of the UTDT (2015).
He obtained the FNA Creation Scholarship (2022), K. Kemble Young Scholarship Award (2017), 1st prize in CALL XVIII at the Luis Adelantado Gallery (2016, Valencia), 2nd prize and Mention in the Williams Foundation Competition (2105/ 2016) and Mention in the Federal Prize Biennial (2019) and the National Salon of Rosario (2014).
Individual samples:
Saír a Superficie, Curated by Sara Donoso, Sala de la Universidad de Orense, Spain (2023), Suave at Sputnik Galería, Buenos Aires (2022), Mismatch at Pallas Projects Gallery, Dublin, Ireland (2021), Color Municipal, Curated by Jimena Ferreiro at HILO Galería, Buenos Aires (2019), How did you meet? Luis Adelantado Gallery Valencia, Spain (2017), The circuit of forms, Curated by Benedetta Casini, at Big Sur Gallery, Buenos Aires (2016).
He participated in group exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art of La Coruña (Galicia), Academy of Fine Arts of Dresden, in Buenos Aires: MAMBA, Museo Sívori, CC Recoleta, CC San Martín, CCEBA (Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires). She at MUMU (Córdoba), Centro Cultural Parque España (Rosario), A Gentil Carioca Gallery (Río de Janeiro) and Luis Adelantado Valencia Gallery, among others.
She participated in national and international residencies.