My work reflects on the territory as a stage where history and its context come together to shape our identity. I develop these ideas starting from the personal and everyday aspects of my origins. I work with subjective and collective memory and the experiences accumulated in the body, and how they expand into the territory, generating conversations, filters, or the traffic of information and influences, back and forth. Likewise, I experiment with materials, seeking frictions, dialogues, and unconventional uses. Sometimes, it takes the form of drawings, actions, and sculptures that I work on the plane, blurring the boundaries between two-dimensional and three-dimensional, seeking those gray or diffuse areas between media. De la misma manera experimento con los materiales buscando fricciones, diálogos y usos no convencionales. A veces en forma de dibujos, acciones y esculturas que trabajo desde el plano, entre lo bidimensional y lo tridimensional, buscando esos lugares grises o difusos entre medios.

Serie poder de relaciones No. 4, 2019. Synthetic spray enamel on glass and cement base, 55 x 37 x 12 cm.