(Ramos Mejía, Prov. de Buenos Aires, 1950)
Bueno is part of the generation that enacted the recovery of painting in Argentina during the 1980s. With a prominent role in the underground scene, in those years he carried out alternative projects such as Café Nexor and the atelier La Zona that promoted sociability, affective bonds and collective work, even in the context of the brutal military dictatorship. Together with Guillermo Conte and Majo Okner since 1981 he formed the Loxon trio, performing live actions and painting sessions, with the participation of musicians, actors and poets.
In 1985 he settled in New York and since then his works have mainly explored abstract painting, sometimes suggesting landscapes or figures The wide diaphanous surfaces of color contrast with volumes of concentrated oil impasto, described by Sergio Chejfec as “latencies”, addressing their capacity of being “reserves for a potential change (…), sleeping avatars capable of unleashing themselves at any moment”.