Museo Moderno
Bohm Erica
Curiosity Rover_Mars, 2013. De la serie Planet Stories.

Erica Bohm is a graduate of the Prilidiano Pueyrredón School of Fine Arts. She studied photography with Gabriel Valansi and a drawing workshop with Pablo Siquier. In 2009 she was a scholarship recipient of the Artists Program and in 2012 of the Film Laboratory, both within the Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires. She also participated in Lipac – Laboratory of Contemporary Artistic Practices (2008) C.C. Ricardo Rojas, UBA, and the Visual Arts Clinic of the C. C. Ricardo Rojas, UBA, (2006). She has participated and enjoyed several residencies, including Atelier Solar, Madrid, 2017 and in 2015 the Art Residency in Antártida, Antártida Argentina. She also participated in 2009 of the Mapping Exchange: Artists Residency Programs, Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin, USA. In 2017, she presented her work at Galería Pasto, … to keep the Moon in sight, Buenos Aires. In 2016 and 2014 she exhibited at The Mission in Chicago and Houston, USA.

Her work is part of public and private collections such as Castagnino-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Rosario-Macro, the Federico Jorge Klemm Foundation and the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (MAMBA).

Erica Bohm’s work is developed at the intersection between art and science, with particular interest in astronomy, geology and the narrative universes of science fiction. From a photographic perspective, she is interested in chemical processes and the imaginary effects produced in the relationship of light with time and materials.