She was born in San Carlos de Bariloche, in Patagonia, the south of Argentina, in 1975. In 2002 she graduated in Visual Arts and Painting from the National University of Arts (UNA). Since 2003 she has been the Head of Studio Project in the Painting Department at UNA. In 2019 she won the First Price of Drawing of the Visual Arts Exhibition of the National Ministry of Culture of Argentina.
She obtained scholarships and grants from the Argentina National Arts Fund. the National Programme of Acquisitions of Contemporary Artwork. She participated in the Artistic Residency Program for Creators from Latin America and Haiti supported by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), the Mexican National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA), and the National Fund for Culture and Arts (FONCA). In 2013 she was awarded a jury ‘s special mention at the Braque Award granted by the French Embassy in Argentina and the National University Tres de Febrero (Untref), Argentina. In 2022 she was invited to participate in the Pouch Cove Foundation Residency in Newfoundland, Canada. Among her latest solo exhibitions are: Un día infinito, galería Tokonoma. La frontera de las cosas, Casa de la cultura de Vicente López. La hora presente, galería Palatina. Her work is found in major public and private collections, including those belonging to Superville Bank, Impulsarte Rural Argentinean Society, the Castagnino Museum, the Contemporary Art Museum of Rosario (MACRO), and the Patrimony of the National Arts Fund of Argentina. She forms part of the Argentine Universal Audiovisual Content Bank (BACUA).

Ráfagas del vacío, 2022. Charcoal and pastel chalk on paper. 150x100cm. Fundación OSDE.