Museo Moderno
Basualdo Franco
Génesis, 2020. Iron, spirals, marble, pipes, chains, stainless steel. 200 x 175 x 200 cm

In 1999, in the city of Corrientes, Argentina, there were no classes throughout the school year. That experience, which I lived at the age of 15, deeply influenced the meaning of my life and is now a fundamental fact in my works and thoughts. The relationship between freedom and the need to generate the meaning of our time. The political relationships established in a conflict, class relations, victims, and power. I am interested in machines and gunpowder, the monumental and the heavy. I am interested in the sensations that make us feel small and powerful at the same time, how much memories are worth and how much we will be able to remember. I create my works and installations in a handmade manner, following the tradition of knowledge and craftsmanship that I learned as a teenager. Building a mechanical and unique device that, in its operation or its creation, brings into play the sense of machines made by and for humans, in search of generating a new meaning. In my works, I seek the excitement of invention and the power of movement, navigating between the manipulation of force and the search or necessity of control.