His work takes form from model of nature and its functionality, genetic and morphable, as generators of and re-contextualizers of dynamic object/materials that build different kind of times. In his recent work he had thought about microsound, feedback D.I.Y. and chemical instruments, as well as edge towards computer based music like dynamic interactive scores, and performance/ installation pieces.
He studied composition at Universidad Nacional de La Plata with Mariano Etkin and Maria Cecilia Villanueva, and piano at BA Alberto Williams Conservatoire. I participated in differents master classes with Gerardo Gandini, Julio Viera, Mauricio Kagel, Dieter Schnebel, George Aperghis, Beat Furrer, Georg Friedrich Haas, Chaya Czernowin, Rebecca Saunders among others. He received commissions and awards from Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Ministry of Culture Argentina, Centro Cultural de España, Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne, Cultural Promotion Council Buenos Aires, Conseil des du Arts et des Lettres de Quebec, Fundación Telefónica, Melos/Gandini, Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas and Colón Contemporáneo.
Artistic Director of TACEC [Experimental and Creation
Center Teatro Argentino de La Plata] since 2018. Founder of music platforms like CONTAINER [2016-1, CONDIT [2011-2015], and ESPIRAL [musical thinking magazine]. Selected as active composer in Impuls-Graz 2013 y 2015, Darmstadt 2014, Tzlil Meudcan 2014.
His music has been performed by differents musicians and ensembles in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Cuba, United States, Austria, Germany , Italy and England.
Assistant professor od Contemporary Music Lanquages at
UNLP [2008-2012]. Actually, candidate to the Master in Composition Hochschule der Künstle Bern. He works as teacher of Instrument 1 & 2, and Science and Music at UNTREF.

Plerome, 2022.