Museo Moderno
Áraoz Nicanor
Sin Título. Polyurethane foam, neon and chain. 125 x 75 x 57 cm. 2016.

Nicanor Aráoz (Buenos Aires, 1981) produces objects, installations, drawings and sculptures using as his references the comic, imagery from Internet and romantic mythologies taken from gothic art. In his works, procedures involving the making of a surrealistic object, such as the assembly of dissimilar elements and the oneiric component, take on frantic forms resembling nightmares where pleasure and pain seem to merge. Aráoz uses materials as if they expiate sadistic sensations, and takes them to the utmost limits of expressivity and torsion. In narrative scenes he mixes plaster monsters, amorphous masses of resin, trainers, neon lights and biscuits with embalmed cats, mice and birds, thus shaping a world of emotional psychedelics with visual references to the domestic environment of an adolescent.

His latest individual projects are Sueño sólido (Museo Moderno, Buenos Aires, 2020), Placenta escarlata (Barro, Buenos Aires 2018), Because I am never what I have (The Emily Harvey Foundation, New York 2017), Antología Genética (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, 2016), Glótica (Barro, Buenos Aires, 2015), IMNXTC (Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2013) and Librada (Galería Alberto Sendrós, Buenos Aires, 2013).In 2019 he was part of Residents Art Dubai curated by Munira Al Sayegh and Fernanda brenner. He was selected by Alec Oxenford Scholarship to travel to do field research in Tokio (2014), Kuitca Scholarship (2010- 2011) and the Artist Program of Torcuato Di Tella University (2009 – 2010). In 2017 he received a scholarship from ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York). Chus Martinez included Araoz’s work, specially commissioned for the collective exhibition Metamorfosi – Lasciate che tutto vi accada (Castello di Rivoli, Turin, 2018). Inés Katzenstein, Lucrecia Palacios and Alejo Ponce de León have recently published a book of Aráoz’s exhibition Antología Genética (Mansalva, 2018). In 2019 he participated in the residencies Pivô (São Paulo, Brazil) and Art Dubai (Dubai, UAE). Lives and works in Buenos Aires.