Museo Moderno
Traverso Candelaria

Candelaria Traverso (Córdoba, Argentina, 1991). She lived her childhood in the province of Jujuy and returned to her hometown to continue her studies at the National University of Córdoba, where she graduated in Visual Arts. She currently lives and works in Catamarca, at the foot of the Andes Mountains.
In 2017 she moved to Buenos Aires where she completed the CIA Agents program and the ABC Scholarship. She held various exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Córdoba and the NOA (Northwest Argentina), such as Lxs Chacras (Castillo Arte Contemporáneo, Catamarca, 2018); Made In (Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2018); Entrelazos (Laboratory, Buenos Aires, 2017); Ius solis/Land appropriation (La Paternal Espacio Proyecto, Buenos Aires, 2016); among other.
She was part of artistic residencies, such as Residencia Sala_Taller (EAC-Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, 2018); Muela, residency for NOA artists (2016); The Paternal Space Project (Buenos Aires, 2016); Yungas Residence coordinated by Raúl Flores (Tucumán, 2015); among other.
Her latest works were selected and exhibited at the Williams Textile Art Foundation Awards, at the Benito Quinquela Martín Museum (2016); in Project A (2017); at the Buenos Aires Young Art Biennial (2017) and in the Sculpture award at the Salón Olmos, Córdoba, Argentina, where she won second prize with the work of Ella Chakana. His work Periferia (2018) became part of the collection of the Reina Sofía Museum in 2919. Also, in 2022, he won the 8M Visual Arts Acquisition Award, in its second Edition, and received the Second Prize from the Regional Hall of Visual Arts La Rioja-NOA with its work Stamps (2022).