Museo Moderno
Soriano Hernan
El oráculo, 17,5 x 24 x 1,5 cm, grabado antiguo intervenido, 2017

Hernán Soriano, was born in the city of Buenos Aires in 1978. He studid two years at the School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón. Second year of the School of Design and Communication. Work clinic at the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center 2006. Research Center Scholar Artistic 2010, P.A.C. from the Gachi Prieto gallery 2012. He is part of the Provisorio Permanente artistic collective together with Victoriano Alonso, Pedro Wainer, Eduardo Basualdo and Artur Lescher and the artistic collective Totem y Tabú with Laura Códega and Malena Pizani.