Museo Moderno
Sardon Mariano

He studied Physical Sciences in the University of Buenos Aires. He’s professor and chair of the Electronic Art Degree at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s mentor for European ARTifical Intelligence Lab, Muntref Art and Science Center and Ars Electronica Center. He obtained the ARCO/BEEP prize for Electronic Arts 2019 at ARCO Gallery Fair Madrid. He obtained the “Konex Prize” in Visual Art Category 2012 given by Konex Foundation, Buenos Aires. He obtained the “Experimentation prize in Non-traditional supports and video 2008” given by Argentinean Association of Art Critics. He has given numerous conferences and seminars at Centre George Pompidou, Zentrum für Kunst un Medien ZKM, Karlaruhe. Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria among others. Some exhibitions: ARCO 2019 Ruth Benzacar Gallery, Pilar Serra Gallery, Madrid, 2018. Artericambi Gallery, Verona, 2018. Artissima 2017, Artericambi Gallery. “Images of Journeys; The New Pushkin Museum”, “Viva Arte Viva”, 57th Bienale di Venezia 2017. “Intuitions”, Pallazzo Fortuny, Bienale di Venezia, 2017. Ars Electronica Berlin, 2017. Ars Electronica Linz 2017, 2016, 2013. Pushkin Museum Moscow, 2016. Ruth Benzacar Gallery, 2016, 2012, 2004. BAPhoto 2017 Ruth Benzacar Gallery. AIPAD Photography Show 2014 Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, NY. Pulse Miami Beach Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, 2014. 11th Bienal de La Habana 2012. Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery NY, 2013, 2007. Fundación PROA, 2013 and 1999. Akademie der Künste Berlin, 2010. Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (Mamba) 2012, 2010, 2004. Ars Electronica México 2010. Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires 2008 and Santiago de Chile 2011. Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) 2003 y 2005. Among others.