Museo Moderno
Montero Swinenn Ezequiel
De la serie Viento #02 - Fotografía toma directa - 100 x 100 y 50x50cm - 2017.

He was born in Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina in December 1983. He lived there until he was 18 years old, since then he has lived in Buenos Aires. He works as a visual artist, photographer, designer and university professor. In his work as an artist, he mainly works with photography, video, installation and drawing. The themes that appear recurrently in his works are pause, suspension, silence, lightness, magnetism. He exhibited his works in museums and galleries in New York, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Uruguay and Argentina. He was selected by Fundación ace para el Arte Contemporáneo and Espacio Peisa for a scholarship for a meeting and work clinic with Liliana Porter. He actively participated throughout 2013 in the PAC (Contemporary Artistic Practices) program of the Gachi Prieto gallery with the following teaching team: Rodrigo Alonso, Rafael Cippolini, Eduardo Stupía, Gabriel Valansi, Carlos Herrera. He was selected in the EPA (Audiovisual Project Space) program of the Arte x Arte gallery. He studied the Postgraduate Specialization in Media and Technologies in Visual Arts at the National University Institute of Arts (UNA, formerly IUNA), with Alicia Romero, Marcelo Giménez, Eduardo Molinari, Julio Flores, Rosa Faccaro, Nelda Ramos, Perla Bajder, Raúl Lacabanne. He is currently working on the process of his graduate thesis: The pause, the duration of the instant (the dialectic of time between the fixed image and the moving image). He graduated from UADE with a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, there he also studied Advertising. He studied photography and pinhole photography with Jorge Mónaco at the National School of Photography, he studied lighting and zone system with Federico Zampaglione and color with Sandro Franchi in Marcelo Gurruchaga’s studio. He carried out seminars and studies of contemporary art with Andrea Giunta, installation and performance with Celina González Sueyro, drawing with Sergio Moscona, painting with Adrián Lirman and Jaak Swinnen. He organized and gave numerous workshops and conferences linked to creativity, art and image. He has been a university professor since 2005. He is currently a professor in charge at UADE, ESEADE, NIKON SCHOOL and in Marcelo Gurruchaga’s course space. He is the creator of the experimentation laboratory for visual artists “Hemisphere Mágico”.