Museo Moderno
Sanchez Leonardo
Miseria 2022.

Leonardo Sanchez, Buenos Aires 1986
At a very early age he moved to the province of San Juan where he trained and developed as a visual artist and cultural manager.
He studied Graphic Design and a Bachelor of Visual Arts at UNSJ.
Between 2009 and 2019 he was part of different local contemporary art self-managed projects and groups such as Espacio La Mandorla, Espacio COMBO, Proyecto Baldío, Once, CRISIS, etc.
He participated in group exhibitions in San Juan, Mendoza, Córdoba and Buenos Aires.
He conducted clinics with Flavia Da Rin, Carlos Herrera, Silvio Lang, Florencia Battitti and Roberto Echen.
In 2020 he completed the Artists x Artists training program of Fundación El Mirador coordinated by Florencia Rodríguez Giles and Juan Tessi in Munar Arte, CABA.
In 2022 he performed “In the name of nobody”, his first individual exhibition in Buenos Aires curated by Nicolás Cuello
In 2022 he won the 2nd prize acquiring the Franklin Rawson Prize
He currently participates in the MANGLAR Training Program coordinated by Andrés Labake and Acéfala Galería in CABA.
