Museo Moderno
Miño Jorge

Jorge Miño (b. 1973, Corrientes, Argentina) studied at the Escuela de la Arte Carlos Morel and at numerous photography and film seminars. His awards include the Third Prize from Itaú Cultural (2010), the First Prize from the Salón Nacional de Rosario (2007) and the Second Prize for Photography and Science from the Centro Cultural Recoleta (2006), in Argentina. He participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in public and private institutions, among which are the Curitiba Biennial (Brazil), Centro Cultural España (Buenos Aires), Museo de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires (MARQ), Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (MAMBA), Museo MACAY (Merida, Mexico), Galería Enlace (Lima) y Dot Fiftyone Gallery (Miami). In 2018, Edidiciones KBB published ‘Transversal,’ a monographic book on his work that covers the years 2007 to 2017. For 24 years he worked as an assistant to the artist Guillermo Kuitca. Jorge Miño lives and works in Buenos Aires.