Museo Moderno
Lugea Facundo
"Sin título" de la serie “Mariposas"

Training and scholarships:

2021 He is awarded the Creation Grant from the National Fund for the Arts in his “Self-Publishing” project
2020 Curatorial seminar “Exhibition of exhibitions” given by Lara Marmor at Torcuato di Tella University.
2015 -2017 she is part of the G.R.A.P.A (Group for Reflection and Analysis of Artistic Production) Claudio Roveda and Josefina Fossatti..
2017 Selected for the Intermittent House Open Workshop, at the National University Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.
2017 “Suspended Borders” Fellow at the MAR Museum by Sebastián Tedesco and Mariano Luna.

Group exhibitions

2022 “Montes no visibles” at MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires) curated by Natalia Sosa Molina and Victor Lopez zurumecu.
2021 Provincial Prize for Young Art from the Pettoruti Museum of La Plata
2019 “An iron bag broken at its end” Leputit
2017 “Suspended borders” MAR Museum.
2017 “Shedding the skin”, GRAPA
2015 “Calma Chicha”, GRAPA

Individual expositions

2022 “The extension of our inertia” MAR MUSEUM
2021 “Active cycles of constant atonements” at NIGHT TIME STORY in Los Angeles, USA
2016 “Water on my hands” Le putit galerie in Mar del Plata, Argentina